Announcing a MILLER+MILLER Architectural Photography I-74 Bridge Photo Featured on a USPS Postage Stamp
We are thrilled to announce and reveal a MILLER+MILLER Architectural Photography photo of the I-74 Bridge has been featured on a USPS Postage Stamp.
The United States Postal Service selected our I-74 bridge photo for its 2023 Bridges Collection showcasing four bridge photographs on the new Presorted First-Class Mail bulk mail users stamps! The print run is expected to be more than 40 million. Check out the official USPS reveal press release:
The new I-74 Iowa-Illinois Memorial Bridge, often called The Twin Bridges, is located in Bettendorf IA and Moline IL connecting the Quad Cities over the Mississippi River. The billion+ dollar Quad Cities I-74 Bridge was a MILLER+MILLER photography project for the legendary architect Miguel Rosales of Rosales + Partners.
MILLER+MILLER is thrilled to be awarded this feature! The postal service’s photograph for the stamp design is a night image and creative shot drone aerial photo of the twin arch bridges. As Chicago based photographers who travel to photograph Nationwide structural art, infrastructure, architecture, buildings, industrial, bridges, transportation and more, we were excited when Miguel selected us as the photographer for this photo project close to home. Fun M+M factoid: Ryan used to collect stamps & coins as a young dork.
Click below to view additional photos and our full blog post of 25+ shots of the Quad Cities I-74 Iowa Illinois Mississippi River Bridge project.
8-25-23 Update: Announcing MILLER+MILLER’s official release of our USPS Stamp featured Quad Cities I-74 Bridge photo! The officially release was in Portland, CT on 8-24-23 by the United States Postal Service USPS issuing the non-denominated, Presorted First-Class Mail® rate stamps for purchase. The Iowa-Illinois Memorial Bridge is connecting Bettendorf, IA, and Moline, IL and was photographed by MILLER+MILLER Architectural Photography for architect Miguel Rosales of Rosales+ Partners.

Stamp Image from and image courtesy of the U.S. Postal Service
See the official USPS new announcement at